The FT8® series, like many of the most successful gas turbines, is based on an aircraft engine – specifically, the Pratt & Whitney JT8D. The JT8D has been a tremendous success story in the aviation industry due to its durability and reliability. In fact the JT8D was so successful that P&W made the decision to incorporate the engine’s design into the structure of the FT8® POWERPAC. Building from the JT8D success, P&W added modern technologies and materials to develop a turbine that delivers more power and efficiency, and has a lower rate of emissions by using natural gas as the fuel.
Since its introduction in 1991, the 30 MW, FT8® gas turbine has been used worldwide in over 100 locations. It boasts impressive reliability rates that exceed 99%, after millions of operating hours. The FT8® POWERPAC’s remarkable combination of the compact and modular design makes it easy for companies to be successful in power generation.